Re: basic-only langMatches test

Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> * Lee Feigenbaum <> [2007-08-10 18:05-0400]
>> Seaborne, Andy wrote:
>>> Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
>>>> * Lee Feigenbaum <> [2007-08-06 09:01-0400]
>>>>> ACTION: ericP to write a test showing that langMatches doens't do 
>>>>> extended matching
>>>> I checked with i18n-core and it appears that there are no tests that
>>>> basic matches but extended does not match.
>>>> I propose:
>>>>   LangMatches-basic
>>>> Data:
>>>> @prefix : <> .
>>>> :x :p3 "abc"@de .
>>>> :x :p4 "abc"@de-DE .
>>>> :x :p5 "abc"@de-Latn-DE .
>>>> Query:
>>>> PREFIX : <>
>>>> SELECT *
>>>> { :x ?p ?v . FILTER langMatches(lang(?v), "de-DE") . }
>>>> Results:
>>>> ┌────────────────────────┬───────────┐
>>>> │                       p│          v│
>>>> ├────────────────────────┼───────────┤
>>>> │<>│"abc"@de-de│
>>>> └────────────────────────┴───────────┘
>>>> and i pass it...
>>> ARQ does pass this test.
>> Glitter does also, but...
>>> The results do not reflect the syntactic input which has de-DE.  (ARQ 
>>> actually returns "abc"@de-DE for ?v. -- all matching and equality is done 
>>> case-insensitively but not by forcing to lower case on data loading.)
>>> Had it been the JSON results, the results would be different.
>>> As the point of the test is the FILTER, I suggest changing the results to
>>> reflect the data and use @de-DE
>> My test harness thinks I fail it because it does (incorrectly) case 
>> sensitive comparisons. Could you make this change so that the results match 
>> the case of the data, Eric?
> I think it's best if i change the input data. It could be argued from
> [[
> Plain literals have a lexical form and optionally a language tag as
> defined by [RFC-3066], normalized to lowercase.
> ]]
> --
> that the normalization should go to LC. 

The third note below that text says:
Note: The case normalization of language tags is part of the description of 
the abstract syntax, and consequently the abstract behaviour of RDF 
applications. It does not constrain an RDF implementation to actually 
normalize the case. Crucially, the result of comparing two language tags 
should not be sensitive to the case of the original input.

so normalization is not the only implementation choice.


 > However, I don't want to
> change, or even help, the world at this point. So let's just go
> with lower case test data.
> all "-DE" strings changed to "-de"
> q-langMatches-de-DE.rq moved to q-langMatches-de-de.rq
> manifest updated
>> thanks,
>> Lee

Received on Saturday, 11 August 2007 19:30:23 UTC