Agenda - 7 Aug 2007 @ 14:30 UTC

Another busy week. I'd appreciate it if anyone with pending actions 
could try to update the list with any status/progress updates in advance 
of tomorrow's call.

The most important part of tomorrow's agenda remains this excerpt:

I'd like to set a deadline of August 14 for proposing any more tests to 
include in the test suite. I'd then like to be able to approve all the 
tests and reach consensus on approving the test suite as a whole.


0. Convene [1]RDF Data Access WG meeting of Tuesday, 7 August 2007
at 14:30:00 UTC
          + LeeF chairing
          + teleconference bridge: tel:+1.617.761.6200 
tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152 code:7333
          + on irc at: irc://
          + Scribe: @@
          + Regrets: @@
          + roll call
          + minutes from last week [2]
          + next meeting 14 Aug. @@ recruit scribe, regrets?
          + agenda comments?

1. Review ACTION Items

These actions appear DONE:

ACTION: ericP to eyeball the list of uncovered facets and prune ones 
that are covered

ACTION: LeeF mark construct tests approved
ACTION: LeeF mark dataset and graphs tests approved
ACTION: LeeF mark i18n tests as approved
ACTION: LeeF to propose a grouping of facets into higher level features

ACTION: LeeF to write a ?o/$o test
   [Done by AndyS]
ACTION: AndyS to write a BASE test

Let's check on the status of the following actions:

-- misc --

ACTION: ericP to poke IETF folks about registering SPARQL media types 
(esp. application/sparql-query)
ACTION: ericP to write explanatory text saying that, like xsd:inteter 
and xsd:dateTime, the relative order of simple literals and xsd:strings 
is not defined here
ACTION: ericP to answer "EBV of invalid numeric literals" email from Arjohn

-- implementation report --

ACTION: ericP to requisition /TR/SPARQL as a switcher document pointing 
to the real specs
ACTION: EliasT to come up with feature list for protocol testing

-- tests --

ACTION: chimezie to eyeball the algebraic forms and find any that do not 
have corresponding tests, attempt to do it by Aug 7
ACTION: ericP to run ASK tests 1, 4, and 7 by Aug 7
ACTION: LeeF and ericP to write tests for uncovered facets
   [I dropped two more specific actions here that are subsumed by this one.]
ACTION: ericP to write a test showing that langMatches doens't do 
extended matching
ACTION: AndyS or LeeF to mark non-SELECT tests using :QueryForm classes, 
and to move those URIs to the qt: namespace
ACTION: Eric+Andy to identify and collect mf:requires URIs and put in 
ACTION: ericP, AndyS to add the mf:requires labels to the manifest 
namespace document

2. Test URIs

There was discussion during and after the telecon two weeks ago about 
what the canonical URIs for tests are. (That is, what URIs do we expect 
in EARL results.) Along with this discussion was discussion about 
content neg. and providing RDF/XML versions of all of our Turtle test 

Didn't get to this last week, but let's discuss and decide on this this 

3. Test suite

AndyS sent out some more basic tests that I pass:

Let's approve these and also look at the ASK tests from last week if 

4. Facets and Test Coverage

EricP and I cleaned up some of the facets to better reflect test 
coverage. I also noted a few areas that don't seem to be captured by 
facets, and wondered if we're confident in our test coverage in these areas:
     (all the way at the bottom)

I'd like to set a deadline of August 14 for proposing any more tests to 
include in the test suite. I'd then like to be able to approve all the 
tests and reach consensus on approving the test suite as a whole.

5. Test harness

Let's get an update on the test service for SPARQL endpoints. We've 
already had one request for such a service independent of our work:

It would be great if the test service was ready to go by the 14th when 
we're (hopefully) ready to approve the test suite.


Received on Monday, 6 August 2007 13:01:46 UTC