Re: Agenda - 20 Feb. 2007 @ 14:30 UTC

Regrets for tomorrow's meeting. I only had one choice for doctor's
appointment. wrote on 02/19/2007 06:56:19 PM:

> ACTION: Elias to add wording for PROPOSED: ed(The SPARLQ Protocol does
> derefrence query URIs so 5.1.3 does not apply. Per 5.1.4, services must
> define their own base URI, which may be the service invocation URI.)

DONE. Please revise.

> ACTION: Lee to talk to protocol editors re: POSTing
> application/sparql-query

Lee mentioned this and I have started to look into the issues surrounding
it. Maybe we can talk more about it next meeting.


Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2007 06:59:34 UTC