Re: first setup of reorganized tests checked in

Jeen Broekstra wrote:
> In
> you will find:
>  - manifest-evaluation.ttl:  a 'super-manifest' containing
>    references to all manifests with query evaluation test cases.
>  - manifest-syntax.ttl: a 'super-manifest' containing references
>    to all manifests with query syntax test cases.
>  - syntax/ : a directory containing a manifest and a set of files
>    documenting both positive and negative syntax tests (these are
>    copies from /data/SyntaxFull/).

<#syntax-keywords-01> a mf:PositiveSyntaxTest ;
     mf:name    "keyword FILTER as a namespace prefix" ;
     mf:action  <syntax-keywords-01.rq> .

<#syntax-keywords-03> a mf:PositiveSyntaxTest ;
     mf:name    "keyword FILTER as a local name" ;
     mf:action  <syntax-keywords-02.rq> .

<#syntax-keywords-03> a mf:PositiveSyntaxTest ;
     mf:name    "keyword UNION as a namespace prefix" ;
     mf:action  <syntax-keywords-03.rq> .

That's #syntax-keywords-03 twice and no #syntax-keywords-02

Fixed and committed back to CVS.


>  - triple-match/ : a directory containing a manifest and a set of
>    files documenting a few simple query evaluation tests (these are
>    copies from /data/simple/).
> The manifests have been updated to use URIs for each test (instead of
> blank nodes). They currently do not yet contain EricP's annotations but
> I guess that can be easily amended.
> Regarding the syntax tests: a few of these I have spotted to be out of
> data with respect to the current spec, specifically the following two:
> (which both deal with blank nodes in a predicate position). Instead of
> removing these tests I have relabeled them as negative syntax tests and
> have removed the 'dawg:Approved' annotation.
> Before we go into (re)approving any of these tests (both the syntax and
> the evaluation tests) I would like a few others to eyeball them and
> filter out possible obsoletes. I have ran this set through our SPARQL
> engine and have not encountered any glaring errors, but...

but ...

> Comments welcome.
> Cheers,
> Jeen
> PS I also made a modest addition to the
> DataAccess/test/test-manifest.n3: I've added a QueryEvaluationTest class.

Received on Tuesday, 9 January 2007 14:20:43 UTC