
Lee Feigenbaum wrote (Agenda for 19/June/2007)
> 3. Test progress
> I'd also like to look at the language tag case sensitivity tests that we 
> didn't approve last
> week:
> data-r2/open-world/manifest-lang-case-sensitivity.ttl
> Given time, we'll find other tests to work through and approve.

ARQ fails the first test "lang-case-sensitivity" because lang tags are 
compared in filters in a case insensitive way.

I think the last test "lang-case-insensitive-ne" is not making the point the 
naming suggests.


are the same (no rows).  The tests form the cross product of the triples and 
then filter:

     ?x1 :p ?v1 .
     ?x2 :p ?v2 .
     FILTER ( ?v1 != ?v2 )

I'd expect lang-case-insensitive-ne.srx to record the cases of
'xyz'@en != 'xyz'@EN and 'xyz'@EN!= 'xyz'@en

| x1  | v1       | x2  | v2       |
| :x3 | "xyz"@EN | :x2 | "xyz"@en |
| :x2 | "xyz"@en | :x3 | "xyz"@EN |


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Received on Monday, 18 June 2007 21:18:44 UTC