data-r2 version of SPARQL tests


I've tried data-r2 with my SPARQL-to-SQL front-end translator and I see an
issue with datatype(). Did I miss anything?

Query data-r2/expr-builtin/q-datatype-2.rq

PREFIX : <http://example/>
PREFIX  xsd:    <>
{ ?x :p ?v .
  FILTER(  datatype(?v) != <http://example/NotADataTypeIRI> )

Source data data-r2/expr-builtin/data-builtin-2.ttl

@prefix : <http://example/> .
@prefix  xsd:    <> .

:x1 :p  "string" .
:x2 :p  "string"^^xsd:string .
:x3 :p  "string"@en .
:x4 :p  "lex"^^:unknownType .
:x5 :p  1234 .
:x6 :p  <http://example/iri> .
:x7 :p  _:bNode .

The expected result set does not contain binding for :x3 :p  "string"@en . says that "A plain literal is a string
combined with an optional language tag." , 11.4.7, says that "datatype ...
returns the datatype IRI of typedLit; returns xsd:string if the the
parameter is a simple literal."
So I believe that "string"@en has datatype xsd:string that is not equal to
<http://example/NotADataTypeIRI> and it should be reflected in the resulting
data set.

Query data-r2/expr-builtin/q-datatype-3.rq demonstrates the issue similar to
the previous one.

Best Regards,
Ivan Mikhailov
OpenLink Software.

Received on Sunday, 15 April 2007 15:59:57 UTC