agenda, 21 Nov, 14:30 UTC


Having trouble coming up w/ an agenda, given the paucity of traffic  
lately. It is, of course, that time of year, and a big holiday week  
in the US, so I think we should still meet, but it may be a brief one:

0. Convene [1]RDF Data Access WG meeting of Tuesday, 21 October, 2006  
at 14:30:00 UTC
	+ KendallC chairing
	+ Items for the agenda?
         + teleconference bridge: [3]tel:+1.617.761.6200 code:7333
         + EliasT to scribe
              - supplementary IRC chat: [4]irc://
         + roll call
         + Approve 14 Oct minutes [2]
         + next meeting 28 Nov, recruit scribe

[3] tel:+1.617.761.6200
[4] irc://

Received on Monday, 20 November 2006 16:44:07 UTC