Minutes of RDF Data Access WG 2005-09-13
1. Convene, take roll, review records and agenda
RDF Data Access
WG teleconference 2005-09-13T14:30Z
IRC log
scribe: Dave Beckett
roll call: regrets JosD
present: LeeF, AndyS, DaveB, EliasT, YoshioF, KendallC, DanC,
KendallC, SteveH, RachelY, PatH
PROPOSED: to accept
minutes 6 Sep as a true record
next meeting: 20 Sep 2005
chair: DanC has a conflict with TAG ftf meeting, Pat Hayes to chair
(ericP, KendallC offered backup)
scribe volunteer: SteveH
Actions continued without discussion:
- ACTION: EricP to extend < and relational ops to
string, get review by Andy
- ACTION: DanC to ask I18N WG for review of < on
- ACTION: DaveB to find query with FILTER on URIs
- ACTION: DanC to follow up re optional test based on
op:dateTime triple
- ACTION: DaveB to to propose source test to approve
- ACTION: SteveH to review the relevant test case re: IRI
normalization (ref 28 Jun
- ACTION: AndyS to add the above graph test cases
(analagous to valueTesting test cases) ref ftf5 BOS
discussion (DONE)
2. Toward Protocol Last Call
ACTION KC: make changes as agreed in
6 Sep discussion
1.71 editor's draft ready for LC pub (DONE)
ACTION EricP: publish proto-wd v 1.68 + changes from as LCWD
Discussion of
Namespace for SPARQL query interfaces in
(editor's draft) which had to be updated during the publication
process last-minute.
3. SPARQL Protocol and WSDL
ACTION: LeeF to draft WSDL 1.1 for SPARQL thingy with AndyS
and Elias ETA 9 sep (CONTINUES)
Lee reported progress - the first
draft is done but needs some polishing; there is example code
in java zip
file and python available, should be able to get it out soon
("this week").
ACTION: DanC to ask WSDL WG to review WSDL 1.1 and WSDL 2
SPARQL protocol stuff, once both are available
ACTION: KC to work with WSDL WG on describing POST binding
with application/x-form-encoded in WSDL 2
cf Data
Access WG questions about WSDL of 15 Aug
KendallC reported that he has sent a mail with one three issues,
two of which are similar. One of the issues has been turned into a
WSDL last call issue with a tracking number. See the WSDL WG last call
issues list.
ACTION: KC to work with WSDL WG on moving "style" from
interface to binding (CONTINUES)
simple case of IRIs for Components in WSDL 2.0 Dan
Connolly (Friday, 9 September) to
4. comment: SPARQL Protocol: inconsistent parameter names
ACTION: KC to respond to inconsistent
parameter names commentor (DONE in KC message)
5. issues#valueTesting : "language tag issues"
ACTION: ericp to draft lang-match design, summarizing and
citing RFC3066 (CONTINUES)
6. BASE IRI resolution comment
ACTION: ericP to send [OK?] message to Bjoern. re
BASE IRI resolution comment (CONTINUES)
7. issues#valueTesting: handling type "error"s
ACTION: EricP to get SteveH's response to 0360 modifying truth table for OR (DONE)
Discussion of proposals
EricP (after commentor),
JeenB and
PROPOSED: to change the value testing truth table as per table 1 of
ACTION DaveB: add to test suite the temperature case from comment on truth tables in commentor's message
ACTION EricP: respond to commentor on valueTesting issue
note new issue; enumerate known options; initial straw poll
ACTION AndyS: write email with 2 use cases on rdf-semantics issues for references
Discussion of various approaches to the issue including having
core/full sparql splits, a separate document which could range from a
paper, WG note or larger document. Some preference to minimal
solutions such as how DISTINCT
was handled.
note new issue; enumerate known options; initial straw poll
Discussed the
worker example" or "little house example".
These last two issues will attempt to be discussed in detail in the
20Sep, 4Oct telcons.
10. SPARQL QL grammar
rq23 grammar update Seaborne, Andy (Wednesday, 24 August)
AndyS reported the grammar state - it is now LL(1) and the major
changes are all done. digits and underscores are now allowed at the
start of variable names (VARNAME, rule 84).
Some grammar changes might still happen depending on how any result
of language issues are resolved; could be a new builtin keyword, a
qnamed function, ...
test cases, e.g. SELECT ?x WHERE {.}
ACTION SteveH: review the SyntaxDev grammar tests
ACTION DaveB: review SyntaxDev grammar tests
various comments on variable names, etc.
Looking at SELECT ?x WHERE { <foo###bar> dc:title ?x }
and recent grammar work.
Discussion of wording about how SPARQL references valid IRIs.
Where does it say that a query with an unbound prefix is invalid?
PROPOSED: that SELECT ?x WHERE { <foo###bar> dc:title ?x }
is not a SPARQL query string; that Q_IRI_REF's must conform to generic IRI syntax
RESOLVED hayes, harris, andy, ericp abstain.