Re: draft XML query results format spec

On Tue, Sep 28, 2004 at 06:06:35PM +0100, Dave Beckett wrote:

>   <result>
>     <hpage href=""/>

I think the attribute here should be "uri" instead of "href"; in this
case it's probably the case that Alice's hpage could be derefenced,
but in many cases the URI in subject position isn't meant to
be. "href", while well known from HTML, doesn't match the case where
URIs are used as names or logical constants or just unique identifiers
that aren't supposed to be deref'd.

I'd prefer, then,  that this example look, in pertinent part, like

  <hpage uri=""/>

>     <blurb><p xmlns="">My name is <b>alice</b></p></blurb>

I prefer the escaped version, though I'm not sure why. Initially I
thought it was because I suspect some triple stores don't *really*
support XML literals per the specification (which requires Canonical
XML, iirc), but now I guess I'm just vaguely unease about the whole


Received on Tuesday, 28 September 2004 17:51:18 UTC