Re: SOURCE - simple test cases

On Mon, Sep 27, 2004 at 04:57:30PM +0100, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> -----------------------------
> ---- Graph <u1>
> :a :b :c
> ---- Graph <u2>
> :a :b :c
> -----------------------------
> ---- Query 1
> FROM <u1>, <u2>
> WHERE (?x ?y ?z)
> I expect one result:
> ?x = :a , ?y = :b , ?z = :c

That strikes me as odd; if you had

:a :b :c
:a :d :c

and queried for

SELECT ?s ?o WHERE (?s ?p ?o)

you would get two results (with no DISTINCT, I dont htink we've discussed
that), adding ?p to the SELECT would still get you two, so I would expect
the same behaviour from

SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE SOURCE ?src (?s ?p ?o)
SELECT ?src ?s ?p ?o WHERE SOURCE ?src (?s ?p ?o)

ie. I wouldn't expect changing the variables SELECTed to change the number
of results.

- Steve 

Received on Monday, 27 September 2004 16:44:52 UTC