Re: do we need INSERT?

On Sat, Aug 28, 2004 at 04:18:57PM -0700, Rob Shearer wrote:
> I'm going to go out on a limb and say no. INSERT and UPDATE
> functionalities do NOT need to be part of a query language.

Thats a reasonable position, but I think that we need some standard way to
add triples to a running store over a network, and I think it woould be
odd if DAWG version N couldn't address this in some way, even if it doesnt
take the form of a query.

To address your query point I would like (at some point in the future,
probably not with DAWG v1) to be able to do things like:

	INSERT INTO <ex:my-model>
	CONSTRUCT (<ex:foo>, <ex:has-class>, ?class)
	WHERE (?class, <rdf:type>, <owl:Class>)

> I look at the intent of an RDF query language as offering what DOM, SAX,
> and XPath did for XML data: a way to get information out of that
> particular data model for use in other applications. I think it's quite
> significant that the write functionality of these technologies takes the
> form of filters and transforms built on top of the query language.

Not really relevant, but the DOM core API does include methods for adding
information, eg:
	var p = document.createElement("p");

- Steve

Received on Sunday, 29 August 2004 15:36:02 UTC