Re: Test cases: source of a triple

AndyS wrote:
> And if:
>   a.rdf:
>   :x rdf:type :C1 .
>   :C1 rdfs:subClassOf :C2 .
>   b.rdf:
>   :C1 rdfs:subClassOf :C2 .
> the RDF merge is the same but there are two ways to get the :x rdf:type 
> and there is only one query solution.

that's right and we tested that and found 2 proofs with
the same conclusion, so there is indeed 1 query solution

> Seems to be getting a step on the way to proofs here.

indeed, very much like that...
having thought very hard about that, I don't see a
realistic way to put src info in the query solutions

Jos De Roo, AGFA

PS besides src info, we actually have 21 other
things that we internally connect to an RDF triple

Received on Thursday, 26 August 2004 21:56:46 UTC