Use Case querying U1 & U2 to find out about their inconsistencies [Was: thoughts and some refs about AFS-2 UC (simplicity, minimalism )]


> Let's please get back to telling each other stories, use cases,
> and the like. I think that's the most constructive way to find
> out what Rob and Kendall and the rest of us can agree on.

Y is interested in using triples from U1 & U2
but before he is prepared to do so, he wants
to detect eventual inconsistencies in there
(for instance U1 says :a owl:sameAs :b, :c.
whereas U2 says :c owl:differentFrom :b.)
and so he first wants to query U1 & U2 to find
out about their inconsistencies (we have some
experience in doing so by querying with the
empty graph)

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Tuesday, 23 March 2004 18:23:10 UTC