which RDF data access designs do you support? WBS questionnaire

Among the tentative goals of our upcoming ftf
meeting is:

      * Choose an Initial Design"
 -- http://jp.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/ftf2

but I see various conflicts preventing many WG members
from attending, so I'd like to collect some data asynchronously
to see where we are, i.e. whether a decision made by those
that attend in person is likely to be supported by the rest
of the WG.

So I put together a web-based poll:

  RDF Data Access WG: initial design

Everybody please fill it out in the next week or so,
so that I can put the results in the agenda of the 6 July

Until the telcon tomorrow, consider it in "beta test" mode;
I won't throw away any data that you put in there, but I 
reserve the right to edit the question underneath your answers
thru tomorrow or the next day.

The list of choices is based on KC's recent summary, but
I salted to taste. I'm open to add candidates or change
descriptions over the next day or so. (There's little
reason to remove a candidate; if it doesn't deserve
to be there, the results should show that.)

The form of the question is rank ordering. Since this
form of question counts answers to produce averages
and such, I've limited it to one answer per organization
(each invited expert gets one answer).

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/

Received on Monday, 28 June 2004 14:08:03 UTC