optional arcs implementation

sorry for the delay in sending this out to you:

The algae code:

package W3C::Rdf::AlgaeCompileTree::Option;
sub evaluateQTerm {
    my ($self, $resultSet, $db, $modifier) = @_;

    for (my $e = $resultSet->elements; $e->hasMoreElements;) {
	my $row = $e->nextElement;
	my $miniResultSet = $row->makeResultSet;
	$self->{DECL}->evaluateQTerm($miniResultSet, $db, $modifier);
	my $empty = 1;
	for (my $miniE = $miniResultSet->elements; $miniE->hasMoreElements;) {
	    $empty = 0;
	    my $miniRow = $miniE->nextElement;
	    my $newRow = $row->duplicate;
	if (!$empty) {

The interface to the solution set is:
for each row
  for each new solution
    duplicate the row
    add the bindings to the new row
eliminate the original row

sub evaluateQTerm {
    for (my $e = $resultSet->elements; $e->hasMoreElements;) {
	my $row = $e->nextElement;
	for each solution
	    my $newRow = $row->duplicate;

Trivial test:
  ns <http://example.org/n#>
  assert (
   A p1 B .
   A p2 C .
   A p3 D .
   B p1 B .
   B p2 C )
  ask (
   ?n p1 B .
   ?n p2 C .
   ~?n p3 ?n2 )
  collect (?n ?n2)
|                       n|                      n2|
|<http://example.org/n#B>|               !unbound!|

Testing for unintended extra resuts:
ns <http://example.org/n#>
  assert (
   A p1 B .
   A p2 C .
   A p3 D .
   D p4 E .
   E p5 F .
   D2 p4 E2 .
   E2 p5 F2 )
  ask (
   ?n p1 B .
   ?n p2 C .
   ~?n ?po ?n2 .
   ?n2 p4 ?n3 .
   ?n3 p5 ?n4)
  collect (?n ?n2 ?po)
|                       n|                      n2|                       po|


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Received on Thursday, 10 June 2004 21:59:59 UTC