Re: Provenance (was RE: REX evaluation)

On Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 06:40:20PM -0700, Rob Shearer wrote:

> I think we're using "RDF" to refer to different things here.

Really? For the most part -- no, in *every* case -- we store
provenance information about an RDF graph *as* another RDF graph.

> information), then it's RDF, but if it's meta-information sitting
> outside the RDF data model then I think it's somewhat out of scope.

I agree; but I'm talking about provenance info *in* RDF. 

> I'm glad we've finally gotten down the list to talk about some of these
> objectives that have never really been addressed.

Sure. FWIW, I probably wouldn't support 4.mumble Provenance as written
because it's way, way underspecified. But I think we should have as a
DO some kind of support for provenance. I'm not sure what that amounts
to, though.

Kendall Clark

Received on Wednesday, 9 June 2004 21:59:22 UTC