Re: iTQL evaluation

On Mon, 2004-06-07 at 10:25, Simon Raboczi wrote:
> > [itql-] 3.3 Extensible Value Testing
> Extensibility is handled by considering a datatype processor to be a 
> named graph.  For example, the limited XML Schema support Kowari 
> currently has is represented by a named graph that notionally contains 
> an infinite number of statements, including 1 < 2, 1< 3, 1 < 4, 
> 2003-12-31 is before 2004-01-01, and so forth.

Hmm... nifty... that's a design I don't think I've seen before.

>   You extend by adding 
> new datatype processors, which from the language's point of view are 
> just new named graphs.  The predicates appearing in the statements 
> within those processors are your extended operations.  There's no 
> special syntactic support for extensibility; it just falls out of 
> having set operations in the "from" clause and being liberal about the 
> kinds of graphs the system is willing to query.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Monday, 7 June 2004 12:38:59 UTC