Re: v1.89 3.10a - Iterative Query

Seaborne, Andy wrote:

>Hi there,
>And what is "a normative optional feature" :-)  Normative (in W3C speak at
>least) means "mandatory".
>It's the only one in the doc, by the way - there is an "optional normative"
>item as well.
>	Andy
According to webster, normative means:

Main Entry: *nor·ma·tive* 
Pronunciation: 'nor-m&-tiv
Function: /adjective/
Etymology: French /normatif, /from /norme /norm, from Latin /norma/
*1* *:* of, relating to, or determining norms 
<> or 
standards </normative/ tests>
*2* *:* conforming to or based on norms 
</normative/ behavior> </normative/ judgments>
*3* *:* prescribing norms 
</normative/ rules of ethics> </normative/ grammar>
- *nor·ma·tive·ly* /adverb/
- *nor·ma·tive·ness* /noun/ 	

Dont know about W3C but there is nothing mutually exclusive about 
"Normative" and "Required Vs. Optional".

A required feature MUST be implemented. A normative feature MUST be 
implemented according to the specified standard. Required features 
SHOULD be normative. However, there is nothing that says that a spec 
cannot define a normative feature as being optional. In such cases an 
implementation MAY implement the feature and if they do they MUST 
implement it according to the specification.

In the ebXML Registry we have selectively used optional normative 
features as way to introduce new functionality in the spec without 
burdening implementors to implement every single feature. It is 
anticipated that most optional features will become required in a 
subsequent version of the spec. This allows some flow control between 
introducing major new features in specs and those features being 
addressed by implementors.



Received on Friday, 28 May 2004 08:57:50 UTC