links from use cases to requirements and goals

After a very brief (.5hr) review:

Use Cases:
    r3.1 r3.2 [3.10?] g4.1
    ((r3.2 r3.7?) || g4.4) (r3.4 g4.5)?(depending on mechanism) r3.9 g4.1 g4.2 g4.3
  2.1 Finding an Email Address (Personal Information
  2.2 Finding Information about Motorcycle Parts (Supply Chain
    [3.6 substitute for tell-me-about?] g4.4
  2.3 Finding Unknown Media Objects (Publishing)
    r3.8 g4.4 g4.6
  2.4 Monitoring News Events (Personal Information
    r3.8 r3.10
  2.5 Avoiding Traffic Jams (Transportation)
    r3.9 (but good for all UCs)
  2.6 Discovering What People Say about News Stories
  2.7 Exploring the Neighborhood
    r3.3 r3.7
  2.8 Sharing Vacation Photos with a Friend (Personal
  2.9 Finding Input and Output Documents for Test Cases
  3.1 RDF Graph Pattern Matching
  3.2 Variable Binding Results
  3.3 Extensible Value Testing
  3.4 Subgraph Results
  3.4a Subgraph Results (variant wording)
  3.5 Local Queries
  3.6 Optional Match
  3.6a Optional Match (variant)
  3.7 Limited Datatype Support
  3.8 Bookmarkable Queries
  3.9 Bandwidth-efficient Protocol
  3.10 Result Limits
  3.10a Iterative Query (variant)
  4.1 Human-friendly Syntax
  4.2 Provenance
  4.3 Non-existent Triples
  4.4 User-specifiable Serialization
  4.5 Aggregate Query
  4.6 RDFS Query

out of time now, more later.

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Received on Tuesday, 11 May 2004 13:46:28 UTC