not magic, an actual service!


This is slightly off topic, so delete if yr uninterested.

I'm shopping for a new car and like Acuras. The high-end Acura RL
(which I'm not in the market for, too $$), the 2005 model anyway, has
a feature called Acura Link. It's a *real-time* traffic monitoring
system integrated with the GPS and navigation system. It apparently
adapts routes to traffic conditions. Which means that our use case 2.5
Avoiding Traffic Jams isn't the slightest bit pie-in-the-sky.

(If you wanna learn about Acura Link, go to the Acura site and watch
the MPGs and Flash for the Acura RL prototype, specifically the
technology section.) Of course it isn't using RDF, but it could be!

Just FYI. :>


Received on Monday, 10 May 2004 16:51:08 UTC