Re: Requirement 3.1 rewording

On Wed, May 05, 2004 at 09:38:20AM -0400, Thompson, Bryan B. wrote:
> What seems to be missing is the notion that there are shared bindings
> among the triples in the pattern.  Without that, there is no notion of
> a series of connected edges in the graph.


Does this get at what you're suggesting?

    The query language must include the capability to restrict matches
    on the queried graph by providing two or more RDF triple patterns,
    with at least one shared variable, to be satisfied in one query.

Andy: does this seem an improvement to you?

(FWIW, I'm trying to find a short term to mean the "dataset that the
query is executed against". I tried "query graph" in earlier drafts,
but that's ambiguous. Someone said "queried graph" during the telcon
yesterday, which I think is an improvement. We will evolve some
specific language in this WG and in our documents, so comments on
"queried graph" are welcome, but probably best directed to me (?).)


Received on Wednesday, 5 May 2004 09:51:39 UTC