agenda: RDF Data Access WG telcon 4 May

1. Convene, take roll, review agenda and misc actions

 RDF Data Access Working Group
 Tuesday 4 May 2004 14:30Z* for 60 to 90 minutes
 Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 7333 ("RDFD")
	@@reservation in progress
 supplementary chat: irc://
	log to appear:

scribe: RobS

Roll call: see WG membership at
regrets: AlbertoR

next telcon is scheduled for Tue, 11 Apr.
  scribe volunteer, please?

misc actions from 15Apr:
ACTION KendallC: best-effort update of UseCases by 15 or 16 April

misc actions from Amsterdam:
ACTION DanC: inform the TAG of the conflict between sec13.9 of the HTTP
spec and TAG's recommendation on issue 7

Comments on today's agenda?

2. record of telcon 15 Apr, Amsterdam ftf meeting

PROPOSED to accept
 RE: Minutes of Minutes of RDF DAWG telcon 2004-04-15 for review
   (as modified by A. Reegiori)
 From: Jean-François Baget <>
 Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 18:10:12 +0200
 Message-ID: <009001c427bb$2a631280$>

as a true record.

PROPOSED: to accept

  RDF Data Access Working Group Meeting, April 2004 in Amsterdam
  $Revision: 1.51 $ of $Date: 2004/05/03 15:35:26 $

as a true record. (1.50 has been 2nded a couple times; 1.51
just adds photo links)

3. Use cases draft status
  $Revision: 1.26 $ or better

ACTION: AndyS, EricP to review kendallC draft by 4 May telcon

ACTION RobS: to generate some RDF (in some form) for 5.1.1.

ACTION EricP: to generate a diagram of a query discussed in the use
cases document.

ACTION Kendall: to work with Alberto on 5.1.3.

ACTION Kendall: to look at Yoshio's use cases.

4. additional use cases

ACTION DaveB: write up this educational metadata UC

ACTION Yoshio: to write up "Kate finds an article and wants to find
related programs..."

Browsing Example - tell me about X, ACTION Steve Harris

Bandwidth Efficiency - bytesize of resultset, ACTION SteveH

ACTION Janne: write a use case to motivate the requirement of having
queries written in RDF. (WITHDRAWN?)

5. Requirements

Discussion of candidate requirements in the documents

continuing from straw polls in Amsterdam

4. Test materials

ACTION SteveH: to draft and maintain a list of test sketch cases,
including x < y, x < 18.

5. Tutorial materials

(an idea from the chair that may or may not be baked
by the time of the telcon.)

* times near you:

      [      tlt:localTime  (
            "Tue 4:30 PM"  ),
            "Tue 9:30 AM"  ),
            "Tue 5:30 PM"  ),
            "Tue 3:30 PM"  ),
            "New York"
            "Tue 10:30 AM"  ),
            "Tue 4:30 PM"  ),
            "Tue 4:30 PM"  ),
            "Tue 11:30 PM"  ),
            "Tue 7:30 AM"  );
             cal:dtstart  [
                 cal:dateTime "2004-05-04T14:30Z" ] ].

p.s. sorry this agenda is a couple hours late. 24hrs in advance
of the scheduled time is 9:30am Monday for me, which is (a)
only 90minutes into my work week, and (b) during another telcon.
I considered sending the agenda on Friday, but (a) didn't manage,
and (b) wasn't sure I wanted to, since folks tend to forget
things over the weekend.

Dan Connolly, W3C
see you at the WWW2004 in NY 17-22 May?

Received on Monday, 3 May 2004 11:53:00 UTC