testing disjunction

Since our f2f meeting I am thinking about disjunction,
but thinking doesn't help enough and so I tried to do
some running code...
It's a simple example, but suppose we have
and want to know the latitude and longitude of
Cambridge or the latitude and longitude of Chicago
then we write the query in N3 as
and are able to get the selected graph

_:98_1 d:cityName "Cambridge". 
_:98_1 d:latitude 42.3. 
_:98_1 d:longitude -71.1.

_:5478_4 d:cityName "Chicago". 
_:5478_4 d:latitude 41.9. 
_:5478_4 d:longitude -87.6. 

(the da:from and da:select in the query are actually
implemented like log:conjuction and log:implies and
the scope of the bnodes is within the {} graphs)

Jos De Roo, AGFA http://www.agfa.com/w3c/jdroo/

Received on Saturday, 1 May 2004 21:23:54 UTC