Minutes of RDF DAWG telcon 2004-04-01 for review

RDF Data Access WG telcon
2004-04-01 15:30 UTC


IRC chat notes

1. convene, take roll, review record, agenda

Present: Jos De Roo, Alberto Reggiori, Bryan Thompson, Andy Seaborne,
Kevin Wilkinson, Jean-François Baget, Kendall Clark, Daniel Krech,
Rob Shearer, Patrick Stickler, Janne Saarela, Dave Beckett (scribe),
Pat Hayes, Dan Connolly (chair), Eric Prud'hommeaux

Regrets: Howard Katz

Noted overlap in the DAWG telcon times with SWBPD WG, every other
week.  Telcon times are to be reviewed at the F2F in Amsterdam.

Next meeting 2004-04-08 15:30 UTC  scribe: EricP
  Advance regrets for 2004-04-08: Andy Seaborne

Minutes of 2004-03-25:
as amended
ACCEPTED as a  true record.


2. Use Cases

KendallC outlined his email "draft DAWG document outline"
and will be working with Andy Seaborne to try to merge in his user stories.
XQuery was noted as something to add.

ACTION EricP: sort out CVS access for Kendall Clark to put the
2004JanMar/0231.html document on the DAWG home page

See the user stories now at http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/UseCases

This was seen as a starting document, not yet including all the use
cases and for the WG members to comment on and propose changes and
additions.  Expanding the use cases from single lines into a
paragraph of prose was encouraged.

3. Requirements

EricP presented http://www.w3.org/2001/11/13-RDF-Query-Rules/ as
roughly two parts - an attempt of an abstract syntax (at the start)
followed by an implementation survey (at
http://www.w3.org/2001/11/13-RDF-Query-Rules/#implementations )

The document contains anchors for what EricP identified as RDF query
language characteristics that could be used to describe the features
of the current languages.  This set of features is not expected to
currently be the complete list.  The document also contains more
than query languages, and is around 30% RDF rules which is out
of scope for DAWG.

ACTION EricP: Send mail to public-rdf-dawg about
  http://www.w3.org/2001/11/13-RDF-Query-Rules/ proposing how it
  could be used as an abstract syntax to describe requirements.

Discussion of RDF path languages and if they were in or out of scope
(noted Versa missing).  This document is not scoping the WGs work
at this point.   Noted some of the QLs might assume the graph is a
tree - EricP considered that an example could clarify this.

The WG discussed forming a list of candidate requirements - both to
accept and to reject.  The following were accepted:

  * queries with optional triples

  * disjunction as described in

  * queries with paths of length two or more edges

  * should be possible for the query to indicate whether the response
    is expected to allow for entailment from the graph or is dealing
    with the graph as a fixed object

  * queries expressing [arbitrary] RDF datatypes

    PatrickS noted there will be some limit to the supported
    dataypes, and some such as XSD ones which will have widespread
    support.  For datatypes not supported, it could fail or could
    send back an error, it it didn't understand it.

    JanneS, AlbertoR: there might be a minimum set of datatypes a QL
    should support.

  * queries captured as a URL (bookmarkable)

  * users can specify the format of query results

  * query results in RDF (closure)

  * queries written in RDF

ACTION EricP and KendallC: Update the use cases document with the
candidate requirements in the minutes of 2004-04-01.

See http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/UseCases

4. Issues

It was agreed to start an issues list for things that are not use
cases or requirements, taking care not to overload this mechanism for
minor items.

ACTION EricP: work with DanC on an initial DAWG issues list.

See http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/issues

5. Amsterdam meeting arrangements

Fill out the registration form for the f2f even if you're not

DanC to continue working on the agenda.

PatrickS requested that the teleconference to be scheduled at the
time the discussion of his requirements comes up.


Received on Thursday, 1 April 2004 14:48:27 UTC