N-Quads: Section 2.2 - IRIs vs. Section 4 - Grammar

Good afternoon,

I'm sorry if this question has an obvious answer, but I noticed that Section 2.2 of the N-Quads specification says "IRIs may be written only as absolute IRIs.". On the other hand, however, the grammar specifies the IRIREF as IRIREF ::= '<' ([^#x00-#x20<>"{}|^`\] | UCHAR)* '>', which seems to imply both '<>' and '<notAnIRI>' are valid IRIREFs.

My question, therefore, is, which of these statements is correct, and if it is, like I suspect, the first one, would it be possible to modify the grammar to reflect this?

Best regards,

Vojtìch Dole¾al

Received on Friday, 14 April 2023 16:18:23 UTC