Updated implementation report(s) for serd


I've updated my C implementation serd[1] to pass the previously skipped
tests (the SPARQL pReFiX/bAsE nonsense), and add new support for TriG
and NQuads.

A unified report for the tests in all three suites is attached (I can
produce separated reports instead easily enough if that's required).
It'd be great if the corresponding implementation reports could be


[1] http://drobilla.net/software/serd

P.S. Other implementers might find the slightly modified test suites in
the serd tree useful, I have modified the nt/nq output to use uniform
blank node identifiers and the correct statement order so that a
streaming implementation can produce the test outputs byte-for-byte.


Received on Sunday, 8 January 2017 00:57:03 UTC