Re: TurtleTests/localName_with_non_leading_extras URI escape


I have a question about "." being escaped in the
localName_with_non_leading_extras turtle parser test case. The input
.ttl file is:

@prefix p: <http://a.example/>.
p:a·̀ͯ‿.⁀ <http://a.example/p> <http://a.example/o> .

In the expected case in the .nt file, this subject URI is translated to:

<http://a.example/p> <http://a.example/o> .

Why is the "." character escaped to \u002e ?

I would expect the subject URI to be escaped to:


The input and expected output test cases are:

This question appears to have been asked before on this list, back in
December 2013 by David Robillard:

For this W3C RDF turtle test case, should "." be escaped to \u002e or
should it not be escaped, as David thought so, and I think I agree.

David's email was:


Why is the "." escaped as \u002e in

My implementation does not escape this character since, even in the old
NTriples spec,

absoluteURI ::= ( character - ( '<' | '>' | space ) )+
character   ::= [#x20-#x7E] /* US-ASCII space to decimal 127 */

Which includes ".", #x2E.  Accordingly, my implementation does not
escape this character.  Should it?


Received on Tuesday, 17 November 2015 23:30:33 UTC