earl.ttl file asserting the successful processing of the http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-testcases by the Cheló̱na Turtle Parser


as the attached earl.ttl file seemed to have been filtered out from my
first e-mail, it is now embedded as mail content.

The earl.ttl file asserts the successful processing of the
http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-testcases by the Cheló̱na
<https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona> Turtle Parser.

*Similar to Stan Nazarenko’s request in April this year, I would be pleased
to have *Cheló̱na <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona> listed on
https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-turtle/reports/index.html as
a Turtle compliant implementation.

Kind regards
Jürgen Pfundt

*@prefix dc:   <http://purl.org/dc/terms/ <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>> .*
*@prefix earl: <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl# <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#>> .*
*@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>> .*
*@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#
<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>> .*
*@prefix doap: <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#
<http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#>> .*
*@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#
<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>> .*

*<https://github.com/JuPfu#me <https://github.com/JuPfu#me>>*
* a foaf:Person, earl:Assertor ;*
* foaf:name "Jürgen Pfundt" ;*
*        foaf:title "Implementor";*
* foaf:mbox <mailto:juergen.pfundt@gmail.com <juergen.pfundt@gmail.com>> ;*
* rdfs:seeAlso <https://github.com/JuPfu <https://github.com/JuPfu>> .*

*<https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona>>*
* a doap:Project ;*
* doap:name "Chelona" ;*
* doap:homepage <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
<https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona>> ;*
* doap:license <https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
<https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>> ;*
* doap:shortdesc "A Parboiled2 based Scala Parser for the W3C RDF 1.1
Turtle Language"@en ;*
* doap:description "Cheló̱na is a reader / writer for the W3C RDF 1.1
Turtle Languagen written in Scala."@en ;*
* doap:created "2014-11-22"^^xsd:date ;*
* doap:programming-language "Scala" ;*
* doap:implements <https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/
<https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/>> ;*
* doap:bug-database <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona/issues/
<https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona/issues/>> ;*
* doap:developer <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
<https://github.com/JuPfu#me>> ;*
* doap:maintainer <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
<https://github.com/JuPfu#me>> ;*
* doap:repository [*
* a doap:GITRepository ;*
* doap:location <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona/
* ] .*

*<> foaf:primaryTopic <https://github.coms/JuPfu/chelona/
<https://github.coms/JuPfu/chelona/>> ;*
* dc:issued "2015-05-17"^^xsd:date ;*
* foaf:maker <https://github.com/JuPfu <https://github.com/JuPfu>> .*

*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test <http://www.w3.org/2013/TurtleTests/manifest.ttl#IRI_subject
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test <http://www.w3.org/2013/TurtleTests/manifest.ttl#first
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test <http://www.w3.org/2013/TurtleTests/manifest.ttl#last
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test <http://www.w3.org/2013/TurtleTests/manifest.ttl#LITERAL1
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test <http://www.w3.org/2013/TurtleTests/manifest.ttl#LITERAL_LONG1
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:28 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test <http://www.w3.org/2013/TurtleTests/manifest.ttl#LITERAL2
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test <http://www.w3.org/2013/TurtleTests/manifest.ttl#LITERAL_LONG2
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test <http://www.w3.org/2013/TurtleTests/manifest.ttl#literal_true
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test <http://www.w3.org/2013/TurtleTests/manifest.ttl#literal_false
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:29 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*
*[ a earl:Assertion;*
*  earl:assertedBy <https://github.com/JuPfu#me
*  earl:subject <https://github.com/JuPfu/chelona
*  earl:test
*  earl:result [*
*    a earl:TestResult;*
*    earl:outcome earl:passed;*
*    dc:date "Sun May 17 20:53:30 CEST 2015"^^xsd:dateTime];*
*  earl:mode earl:automatic ] .*

Received on Monday, 18 May 2015 21:13:45 UTC