Re: chelona_trig_earl.ttl report file asserting the successful processing of the by the Cheló̱na Trig Parser

Hi Ruben,

thanks for your rating of the Chelona Trig parser! I have to pass the merit
to Parboiled2 and its creators Mathias Dönitz and Alexander Myltsev.

Kind regards

2015-06-10 11:59 GMT+02:00 Ruben Verborgh <>:

> Hi Jürgen,
> Congrats on this parser!
> Some time ago, I asked to add my N3.js parser to the list as well.
> I exchanged some mails with the maintainers, but we didn't come to a
> resolution yet as to whether this document can be updated or not.
> Gregg, would it be possible to add new parsers to the list?
> Best,
> Ruben

Received on Wednesday, 10 June 2015 20:11:15 UTC