Re: Error in the RDF 1.1 Semantics test suite

Yes, that looks like a bug.   I don't expect that it would change any results, 


On 01/04/2014 09:34 AM, Michael Schneider wrote:
> Dear Working Group,
> the manifest file in the official RDF 1.1 Semantics test suite contains an 
> error. The resource description for the test
>     statement-entailment-test004
> defines this as a test for the RDF entailment regime:
>     mf:entailmentRegime "RDF"
> But this is in conflict with the textual description of the test case:
>     rdfs:comment """
>       RDFCore WG RESOLVED that a statement does NOT entail its
>       reification. The following entailment does not, therefore,
>       hold. This is the same as test002, but using RDFS-entailment.
>     """;
> Regards,
> Michael

Received on Sunday, 5 January 2014 14:10:08 UTC