issues with TriG Test Suite

Dear all,

I am extending the N3.js JavaScript RDF library [1],
with support for TriG, in addition to Turtle.
During this process, I ran into the issues below.

1. The following tests have the wrong title:
- trig-syntax-bad-n3-extras-01
- trig-syntax-bad-n3-extras-02
- trig-syntax-bad-n3-extras-03
- trig-syntax-bad-n3-extras-04
- trig-syntax-bad-n3-extras-05
- trig-syntax-bad-n3-extras-06
- trig-syntax-bad-n3-extras-07
- trig-syntax-bad-n3-extras-08
- trig-syntax-bad-n3-extras-09
- trig-syntax-bad-n3-extras-10
- trig-syntax-bad-n3-extras-11
- trig-syntax-bad-n3-extras-12
- trig-syntax-bad-n3-extras-13
They are named "X is not / X not in Turtle"
but should be named "X is not / X not in TriG".

2. Tests are served from the wrong URL.
For instance, if we fetch
it redirects with a 301 to (note the capitalization difference)
yet the file itself says (note again the capitalization difference)
    # In-scope base URI is <> at this point
This can be fixed by setting the canonical URL to:{…}

3. trig-syntax-minimal-whitespace-01 contains three syntax errors
on line 12 and should thus not parse. The line reads:
    {_:s:p :o ._:s:p"Alice". _:s:p _:o .}
While the first triple is probably intended to be parsed as:
    _:s <http://example/a/p> <http://example/a/o>
and thus to be lexed as:
    PrefixedName(PNAME_LN) PrefixedName(PNAME_LN) PrefixedName(PNAME_LN) '.'
it actually needs to be lexed as:
    PrefixedName(PNAME_LN) PrefixedName(PNAME_LN) '.'
because PNAME_LN consists of PNAME_NS PN_LOCAL, and the latter may contain colons.
This behavior is asserted in localname_with_COLON,
so I find it strange that implementations exist which pass both tests.
To correct this test case, whitespace should be inserted after each '_:s'.

When we find a resolution to the third point,
I'll have a new EARL report to share
for :-)




Received on Saturday, 27 December 2014 16:05:45 UTC