Re: [RESOLVED] reminder: ack needed Re: Problem with Hash based Linked Data URIs

It's a pitty, given the huge amount of time the discussion on http-range-14
has taken up that this an issue of interaction with SPARQL would stand in the way
of thinking about this more clearly.

On 20 Nov 2013, at 17:25, Henry Story <> wrote:

> On 18 Nov 2013, at 23:19, Eric Prud'hommeaux <> wrote:
>> On Nov 2, I sent the attached message as a formal working group
>> response to a comment you sent to the RDF comments WG. Please review
>> the attached messgae and reply with the Subject prefixed with
>> "[RESOLVED]" if it addresses your comment.
>> -- 
>> -ericP
>> office: +1.617.599.3509
>> mobile: +
>> (
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>> There are subtle nuances encoded in font variation and clever layout
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>> From: Eric Prud'hommeaux <>
>> Subject: Re: Problem with Hash based Linked Data URIs
>> Date: 2 November 2013 14:27:28 CET
>> To: Henry Story <>
>> Cc: Mo McRoberts <>, Adrian Gschwend <>, " Group" <>, "" <>
>> * Henry Story <> [2013-02-16 16:27+0100]
>>> On 16 Feb 2013, at 16:04, Mo McRoberts <> wrote:
>>>> As should be blindingly obvious to anybody who's worked with them, hash-based URIs are principally useful where a document describes a _single_ entity within its sphere of reference (though the nature of triples and many ontologies is that there may well be parts of descriptions of other things).
>>>> Ontologies/vocabs are a one solid case where it's really not a good idea to use them because it's hard to split them up into separately-served resources later.
>>> I don' think that quite locates the problem at the right place.
>>> It would be completely feasible to have one #uri per vocabulary element, each at
>>> a different location. For example all of DBPedias resource URIs could just return
>>> the content inside so one could have 
>>> defined by 
>>> That would have the advantage of required half the requests on DBPedia to get 
>>> the information. The only problem I see with that is a syntactic one. I sent 
>>> this to the WebArch and RDF-Comments group as a mail and RDF group in November, 
>>> but got no  answer there yet
>>> I suppose one would need to propose a solution to the problem.
>>> Something allong the lines of requesting a new @prefix in Turtle 
>>> so that one could write:
>>> @pre db: ("" _ "#x")
>>> This would allow one then to have
>>> :j :likes db:Whiskey .
>>> which would be equivalent to
>>> :j :likes <> .
>> The RDF Working Group has considered the utility of your proposal
>> against the added complexity stemming from the new directive. We feel
>> it is better to stay compatible with SPARQL and let users take
>> advantage of the new PN_LOCAL_ESCą feature permitting one to embed '#'
>> in a localhost name after an escape character, e.g.  db.Whiskey\#x .
>> (You referred to this feature in your followup message.)
>> If you are satisfied with this response, please reply with a Subject:
>> starting with "[RESOLVED]".
>>>> (Ironically, as a redirecting service, if the PURL for GR had been instead of, it could have redirected to either a hash-based or a hash-less URI — there's no benefit to hash-based URIs if you're always inserting a redirect _anyway_).
>>> My guess is that you don't need these redirects in fact. But anyway, as far as WebID 
>>> goes the point is pretty moot, since as you point out below:
>>>> On the other hand in the case of "this is the document which describes me" or "this is the document which describes this book", it makes a lot of sense to use hash-based URIs because that document has a notion of a primary topic while anything else described is a supporting adjunct. Even if it's aggregated into a dataset, the subject used in that dataset would be a URI which resolves to that one-thing document URI.
>>>> M.
>>>> On Sat 2013-Feb-16, at 14:33, Adrian Gschwend <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 16.02.13 12:10, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Kingsley, just trying to understand the problem better.  When I
>>>>>> click, it takes me to
>>>>>> the section of the GR vocab that is related to BusinessEntity (via html
>>>>>> anchors).  What should it be doing?
>>>>> That's only because you requested it from a web browser, if you get that
>>>>> as RDF (via rapper for example) it will make a request to
>>>>> and instead of giving you the answer to
>>>>> what you really want to know  (#BusinessEntity) it downloads the whole
>>>>> ontology which according to rapper is 1834 triples. Everything after the
>>>>> # is handled client side and does not even get through the webserver.
>>>>> This is not handy at all when you start to write code, you get way more
>>>>> than you wanted to know and it gets harder to implement local caching
>>>>> for example. Did that done that, really no fun to implement properly
>>>>> with hash based URIs.
>>>>> So I'm really no fan of hash based URIs either, especially on bigger
>>>>> ontologies/datasets.
>>>>> cu
>>>>> Adrian
>>>>> --
>>>>> Adrian Gschwend
>>>>> @
>>>>> ktk [a t]
>>>>> -------
>>>>> Open Source Project
>>>> --
>>>> Mo McRoberts - Technical Lead - The Space
>>>> 0141 422 6036 (Internal: 01-26036) - PGP key CEBCF03E,
>>>> Zone 1.08, BBC Scotland, Pacific Quay, Glasgow, G51 1DA
>>>> Project Office: Room 7083, BBC Television Centre, London W12 7RJ
>>> Social Web Architect
>> -- 
>> -ericP
>> office: +1.617.599.3509
>> mobile: +
>> (
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>> email address distribution.
>> There are subtle nuances encoded in font variation and clever layout
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> Social Web Architect

Social Web Architect

Received on Wednesday, 20 November 2013 16:43:29 UTC