- From: Richard Smith <richard@ex-parrot.com>
- Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 19:09:44 +0000 (GMT)
- To: public-rdf-comments Comments <public-rdf-comments@w3.org>
Consider the following TriG document: { ex:Jack a foaf:Person } ex:foo { ex:Jill a foaf:Person } Assuming the prefixes are bound, this is valid TriG document. The first line puts a statement that Jack is a person into the default graph, and the second line puts a similar statement about Jill into named graph ex:foo. But it's very nearly a valid N3 document meaning something quite different. N3's formulae are conceptually much the same as TriG's graphs, but N3's formulae can be subject or object of statements. So in N3, the following document makes some sort of statement (with predicate ex:foo) about the two formulae or graphs. { ex:Jack a foaf:Person } ex:foo { ex:Jill a foaf:Person } . The only thing that stops that from being valid TriG is terminating '.'. To express this in TriG we would write: _:a { ex:Jack a foaf:Person } _:b { ex:Jill a foaf:Person } _:a ex:foo _b Now I can entirely understand TriG not wanting to support this feature of N3. But at the same time I would be pleased if some future TriG-like language, maybe TriG 2.0, would include them because they're very useful in technologies like the W3C's PROV language where it's common to want to write: { ex:Jack a foaf:Person ; bio:birth [ dc:date "1905-01-11"^^xsd:date ] } prov:wasDerivedFrom [ a foaf:Document, dc:title "Jack's birth certificate" ] . So it would be nice if TriG remained compatible with N3 by allowing for the future possibility of such a feature. Even though N3 is not a W3C recommendation, it (or a subset of it) is in use in several current products, such as cwm. Languages like N-Triples and Turtle are both compatible with N3 insofar as no valid N-Triples or Turtle document that is also a valid N3 document has different meanings in the different languages. (They're not quite subsets of N3, but it would be easy enough to update N3 so that this were true.) An application wishing to support N-Triples, Turtle and N3 may well do so with a single parser. Strictly speaking it is also the case that TriG and N3 because the final '.' disambiguates it, but then makes the grammar a long way from being LL(1) or LALR(1), as arbitrary look-ahead is required. Allowing a single parser to handle both N3 and TriG easily is another reason why this syntax is problematic. If fixing this is considered desirable, requiring a '.' after the closing '}' of the native (i.e. non-SPARQL) syntax would do this. (This would require trival ammendments to grammar productions [2g] block and [3g] triplesOrGraph.) But it does so at the cost of breaking compatibility with the current (and earlier) drafts of TriG. This has a pleasing symmetry with the Turtle syntax for anonymous blank nodes or collections: ( ex:a ex:b ) . [ a ex:class ] . { ex:foo ex:pred ex:bar } . which generate the following (slightly abbreviated) N-Quads: <> _:1 rdf:type rdf:List . <> _:1 rdf:first ex:a . <> _:1 rdf:rest _:2 . <> _:2 rdf:first ex:b . <> _:2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . <> _:3 rdf:type ex:class . _:4 ex:foo ex:pred ex:bar . Richard
Received on Sunday, 17 November 2013 19:10:08 UTC