Re: TriG being disjoint from Turtle

On May 18, 2013, at 10:08 AM, Henry Story <> wrote:

> On 18 May 2013, at 18:18, Henry Story <> wrote:
>> On 17 May 2013, at 13:38, Sandro Hawke <> wrote:
>>> On 05/17/2013 06:00 AM, Jan Wielemaker wrote:
>>>> On 05/17/2013 11:49 AM, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>>>> [this fragment is from Charles Greer, not answered by Andy]
>>>>> 1.  Could the spec be modified to allow TriG to be a superset of
>>>>> turtle?  Specifically, could the production rules be modified to allow
>>>>> a set of triples outside of any '{'  '}' to be the same as triples in a
>>>>> default anonymous graph?  It seems that even now, the rules allow
>>>>> multiple anonymous graph productions, whose union would be the unnamed
>>>>> graph.  It would be convenient if we could dispense with these anonymous
>>>>> curly braces altogether if possible.
>>>> Having implemented TriG yesterday on top of the Turtle parser, I must say that I was happily surprised that TriG does not allow for triples
>>>> outside {}.  This means you can detect whether a document is a Turtle
>>>> or TriG document at the first triple.
>> I completely agree. If we can have Trig be an extension of Turtle, then we
>> are just one step from N3. Having this would be very useful to be
>> able to quote graphs and do simple things that Atom allows one to do such
>> as having a graph expressing the content of other resources.
>> eg:
>> So instead of having to write something like
>> <> rdf:member [ owl:sameAs <member> ;
>>      :title "An Order for a sanwich" ;
>>      :updated "2013-05-13..."^^xsd:dateTime;
>>      :content """
>>               @base ...
>>               @prefix ...
>>               <> :title "An Order for a Sandwich";
>>                      :primaryTopic <#x>
>>              <#x> a TunaSandwich
>>              ....
>>            """^^lang:Turtle
>>    ] .
>> One could write:
>> <> rdf:member [ owl:sameAs <member> ;
>>       :title "An Order for a sandwich" ;
>>       :updated "2013-05-13..."^^xsd:dateTime;
>>       :content {
>>         <member> :title "An Order for a Sandwich";
>>                  :primaryTopic [ a TunaSandwich ] ....
>>        } 
>>     ] .
> Sorry that was N3. I am not sure what the Trig way to do that would be.
> But I don't think the = sign is the right solution. That should be
> reserved for owl:sameAs as it is in N3.
> In N3 graphs can be unnamed so the :content relation above
> I think there is better expressed with log:semantics.
> This seems better
> <Eric/ericP-foaf.rdf> log:semantics {
>  @base <> .
>  @prefix ericFoaf: <ericP-foaf.rdf#> .
>  ericFoaf:ericP :givenName "Eric" ;
>                 :knows <> ,
>                        [ :mbox <> ] ,
>                        <> .
> }
> going on what is here:

That still looks more like N3 than TriG. In existing TriG, you'd probably do something more like the following:

  <> rdf:member [owl:sameAs <member>;
       :title "An Order for a sandwich";
       :updated "2013-05-13..."^^xsd:dateTime;

<member> {
  <member> :title "An Order for a Sandwich";
    :primaryTopic [ a TunaSandwich]

The proposed change, would be to be able to drop the {} around the default graph, not to allow a graph to appear in the subject or object position. So, with TriG which is a straight extension of Turtle, this might look like the following:

<> rdf:member [owl:sameAs <member>;
     :title "An Order for a sandwich";
     :updated "2013-05-13..."^^xsd:dateTime;

<member> {
  <member> :title "An Order for a Sandwich";
    :primaryTopic [ a TunaSandwich]

Personally, I would like to be able to avoid having {} around the default graph, but people of objected that this makes it difficult to know if you are getting a graph syntax or a dataset syntax. Note that this situation already exists with JSON-LD, and a consumer only wanting a graph should just take the default graph portion of the document and discard the named graph portions. You could also distinguish document type by Mime type.


>> One needs this if one is going to be able to for example GRDDL something
>> as simple as an Atom Syntax document that contains RDF.
>> Social Web Architect
> Social Web Architect

Received on Saturday, 18 May 2013 19:39:21 UTC