Re: [RDF-CONCEPTS] Skolemization

David Booth wrote:
> I'd like to propose a small change in section on Skolemization:
> Regarding: "Systems wishing to do this SHOULD mint a new, globally unique IRI (a
> Skolem IRI) for each blank node so replaced." it seems to me that this
> conformance requirement should be a MUST -- not a SHOULD -- because the system
> has already made the free choice to skolemize.

I do not follow this. Why should be a MUST?


> Specific wording changes that I suggest:
> 1. Change:
>     "Systems wishing to do this SHOULD mint a new, globally
>     unique IRI (a Skolem IRI) for each blank node so replaced."
> to:
>     "Systems choosing to do this MUST mint a new, globally
>     unique IRI (a Skolem IRI) for each blank node so replaced.
>     Each such Skolem IRI SHOULD conform to the syntactic
>     requirement for a well-known IRI [WELL-KNOWN] with the
>     registered name genid. This is an IRI that uses the HTTP or
>     HTTPS scheme, or another scheme that has been specified to
>     use well-known IRIs; and whose path component starts with
>     /.well-known/genid/."
> 2. Delete the paragraph:
> [[
> Systems that want Skolem IRIs to be recognizable outside of the system
> boundaries should use a well-known IRI [WELL-KNOWN] with the registered name
> genid. This is an IRI that uses the HTTP or HTTPS scheme, or another scheme that
> has been specified to use well-known IRIs; and whose path component starts with
> /.well-known/genid/.
> ]]
> Thanks,
> David

Ivan Herman, W3C
Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Wednesday, 12 June 2013 14:04:46 UTC