Re: Please allow blank lines in n-triples format -- and comments!

Also, the current grammar does not allow comments, though it should, 
because as Jeremy Carroll pointed out, the original n-triples format 
allowed comments:

Here is the original n-triples grammar:

So these omissions seem to be bugs in the grammar, rather than being 

BTW, the correction I suggested below is also wrong, as it would not 
allow blank lines that contain whitespace (nor does it allow comments).


On 07/17/2013 12:42 PM, David Booth wrote:
> Blank lines are currently prohibited by the n-triples grammar:
> That seems overly strict.  I suggest changing the ntriplesDoc production
> to:
> [1]     ntriplesDoc     ::=     EOL* (triple EOL+)* triple?
> David

Received on Wednesday, 17 July 2013 18:28:37 UTC