Re: Issues found in Turtle spec

On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 4:03 PM, Gavin Carothers <>wrote:

> > The list example in section 6 uses a list on it's own, without a
> predicate
> > or object, which is not allowed by the grammar (neither is a
> > blankNodeProperyList). Either the EBNF should be updated to allow for
> these
> > forms, or the examples should be changed such that ( ... ) and [ ... ]
> are
> > used only in the context of being a subject or object. This
> implementation
> > will generate triples, however an error will be generated if the parser
> is
> > run in validation mode.
> It seems likely that this is more of the same errors from above,
> examples that are not valid Turtle should likely be removed from the
> specification as just noting that they aren't valid doesn't seem to be
> enough.

This is a deviation from SPARQL, where collections and blank node property
lists are allowed on their own in addition to as the subject or object of a
triple.  Whether to amend Turtle to match the SPARQL definition in this
respect is an open issue:

(This deals only with blank node property paths, but a resolution on this
issue should also apply to collections).


Received on Monday, 29 August 2011 21:09:11 UTC