You should take a look at the Musicbrainz R2RML mappings [1]. They have
been developed by Barry Norton. These mappings have been used to generate
the Musicbrainz RDF dump. Barry can point you to where the RDF dump is.
[1] https://github.com/LinkedBrainz/MusicBrainz-R2RML/tree/master/mappings
Juan Sequeda
On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 9:52 AM, Darya Tarasowa <darya.tarasowa@gmail.com>wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> my name is Darya Tarasowa and I am a 3rd-year PhD student at University of
> Bonn under the supervision of Dr. Soeren Auer.
> My current research requires any examples of R2RML mappings of high
> quality (desirably, proven in any way).
> I am wondering, if somebody of your is aware of some good examples
> (probably from real-life applications).
> Also, not only the quality of mapping in its entirety could be proven.
> Instead, certain aspects could have been evaluated (resulting dataset
> interoperability or simplicity of usage w.r.t. simplicity of SPARQL
> queries, etc.). This variant fits even better for my case.
> Thank you for your attention,
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
> Kind regards,
> Darya Tarasowa
> Phd student
> Enterprise Information Systems Department, University of Bonn,
> Fraunhofer IAIS <http://www.iais.fraunhofer.de/> <http://aksw.org/>
> --