2) I have a good chance of attending the RDB2RDF f2f at the W3C TPAC
Percy Rivera Salas
2011/4/27 Michael Hausenblas <michael.hausenblas@deri.org>
> 3) No, I will not be able to attend the RDB2RDF f2f at the W3C TPAC
> Sorry, but looks like I wont be able to make it.
> Cheers,
> Michael
> --
> Dr. Michael Hausenblas, Research Fellow
> LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
> DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
> NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
> Ireland, Europe
> Tel. +353 91 495730
> http://linkeddata.deri.ie/
> http://sw-app.org/about.html
> On 26 Apr 2011, at 18:25, Ashok Malhotra wrote:
> Ivan argued that it would be good to have a f2f at the W3C TPAC
>> http://www.w3.org/2011/11/TPAC/
>> which runs from 31 st October - 4 November in Santa Clara, CA,
>> We should have Last Call comments by then and a f2f would be an efficient
>> way to resolve
>> the comments. We did not discuss this but I'm guessing we need a 1 day
>> meeting
>> Most people on the telcon said they could attend or had a good chance of
>> attending.
>> This note is to ask the question formally so we get responses from the
>> entire WG.
>> Please respond
>> 1) Yes, I will attend the RDB2RDF f2f at the W3C TPAC
>> 2) I have a good chance of attending the RDB2RDF f2f at the W3C TPAC
>> 3) No, I will not be able to attend the RDB2RDF f2f at the W3C TPAC
>> Please respond ASAP. We need to tell the organizers if we need a room by
>> the end of the week.
>> --
>> All the best, Ashok