Hello WG team Members,

Wanted to say good bye and enjoyed working with you for the last few months.
I just sent my notice to W3C about splitting from the WG for business reasons.
Wish you well and I know you will do good work.


Ahmed K. Ezzat, Ph.D.
HP Fellow, Strategic Innovation Architecture Manager,
Business Intelligence Software Division
Hewlett-Packard Corporation
19410 Homestead Road, Bldg 43 Upper, MS 4502, Cupertino, CA 95014-0691
Office:   Email: Ahmed.Ezzat@hp.com<mailto:Ahmed.Ezzat@hp.com> Off: 408-447-6380  Fax: 1408796-5427  Cell: 408-506-5799
Personal: Email: AhmedEzzat@aol.com<mailto:AhmedEzzat@aol.com> Tel: 408-253-5062  Fax:  408-253-6271

Received on Thursday, 27 May 2010 02:05:56 UTC