Alexander comments on UC document

Hi all

Here you have Alexander's comments.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Comments on UC document
Date: 	Sat, 22 May 2010 15:22:06 +0200
From: 	Alexander De Leon
To: 	Boris Villazon Terrazas

Hi Boris,
Can you please forward this to the RDB2RDF list as I'm unable to post anything on the list.

Hi everyone,
After carefully reviewing the document, I wrote my own comments and ideas [1] . However, as a new member of this group, I do not intent my comments to be interpreted as a request to change what has been already agreed by the group. In fact, I agree with publishing the document as a working draft and that we keep working on it. I hope that my comments can only serve for future discussions.

Thank you,


Received on Saturday, 22 May 2010 14:53:36 UTC