Re: Comments on UC document - reminder

> On May 20, 2010, at 01:03 PM, Michael Hausenblas wrote:
>> This is a reminder that per WG resolution [1]:
>> "All comments must be sent it this week (by end-of-Saturday) and
>> comments
>> must be precise about what sentences they don't understand/like and
>> ideally
>> suggest textual changes"
>> So far I am aware of one comment [2] from Ashok (and thanks to Lee who
>> converted and linked it from [2]!)
>> Cheers,
>>      Michael
>> [1]
>> [2]
> I am personally quite frustrated and greatly disheartened by how
> this process has been playing out.
> Several of Ashok's comments are effectively "take this section
> that the concall previously agreed was a good idea, out" -- about
> sections and content pieces supporting which my voice has been
> significant (but not alone).  It disturbs me that we are once
> again revisiting decisions which have already been revisited
> several times, and the group is seemingly willing to change things
> based on the last comment heard.


   If you can tell us which of Ashok's comments (again, be precise!) you
disagree with then the editors will probably not change them,
especially if Ashok can "live with" the wording you prefer. However, if
you cannot tell us precisely which comments not to change (perhaps just
change the wiki page lee put up quickly and note it there) (and you are
going on vacation for 2 weeks), the choice will be left in the editor's


> I am quite frustrated that several of Ashok's comments are written
> from an apparent perspective of this revision producing a FINAL
> document, such as the "drop the Glossary if we can't get it right
> immediately."  We've agreed that some of the terms we're using
> need local definition -- and this is an easy way to provide that --
> but we may not have the time to define them properly before this
> DRAFT publication.  Dropping the Glossary from this draft is more
> likely to have it left out of the final product, than leaving it
> here in imperfect, unfinished form.
> The only person I've ever heard of who made perfect working drafts
> was Mozart, and that may well be apocryphal.  As a WORKING DRAFT,
> this need not be perfect -- but if we're dropping large chunks
> because they're imperfect, then AT THE LEAST I want their section-
> heads and a small note that "text is in progress" to remain, along
> with a new page within the wiki in which those sections of text will
> be retained for further work toward the next round.
> My previous comments went in on time according to past resolutions,
> but even when those comments were agreed with and apparently accepted
> (such as some pro-/de-motion and renumbering of subsections of Eric's
> HCLS Use Case), I do not see them reflected in the document.
> The only changes which weren't made inline during the concall which
> *have* been reflected are the revised graphics which Juan and I worked
> on -- but the revised graphics only work properly if the text around
> them gets the reordering and minor adjustments previously submitted.
> I cannot spare the time to review the full document *again*, along
> with any other comments, but I felt it important that my voice be
> heard before I go offline (returning June 2).
> Be seeing you,
> Ted
> --
> A: Yes.            
> | Q: Are you sure?
> | | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
> | | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
> Ted Thibodeau, Jr.           //               voice +1-781-273-0900 x32
> Evangelism & Support         //
>                              //    
> OpenLink Software, Inc.      //    
>         10 Burlington Mall Road, Suite 265, Burlington MA 01803
> OpenLink Blogs    
>     Universal Data Access and Virtual Database Technology Providers

Received on Thursday, 20 May 2010 21:03:10 UTC