- From: Juan Sequeda <juanfederico@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 13:52:29 -0500
- To: Richard Cyganiak <richard@cyganiak.de>
- Cc: RDB2RDF WG <public-rdb2rdf-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <AANLkTikFZfxGJywN1HEFLQbhhPSB_G2mW0Yp_Zapigwl@mail.gmail.com>
And as good computer scientist we must deliver the semantics of the mapping language. An implementor does not need to read this... but if we present a language, it has to have a syntax and semantics!!!!!!! Juan Sequeda +1-575-SEQ-UEDA www.juansequeda.com On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Richard Cyganiak <richard@cyganiak.de>wrote: > All, > > Here's what I think this group should deliver: > > 1) A mapping language R2ML according to the SQL-based approach, along the > lines of what we see in Souri's proposal and in Sören's Triplify: The bulk > of transformation happens in full unconstrained SQL; and the SQL queries are > wrapped in some "glue" that specifies how each record in the SQL result set > is turned into RDF triples. There is still a lot to be discussed about the > syntax and exact expressivity of that "glue", but I believe that is the > right general approach for R2ML. > > 2) A documented method of deriving URIs from the items in a relational > schema (tables, columns). So that we can name these items and talk about > them using RDF. This is helpful in itself for documenting, managing and > analyzing relational schemas. This is mostly covered in Eric's direct > mapping proposal (except he doesn't generate URIs to name tables by > default). > > 3) A documented method of deriving a default RDF graph from the data inside > a relational database. It seems reasonable to use the URIs from 2) in this > RDF graph, e.g., as property URIs. We already have several proposals that > cover this point. We need this one to enable the use of RDF-to-RDF mapping > technologies, see below. > > 4) Nice to have: A documented method of capturing the constraints of the > relational schema in RDFS and OWL, to the extent possible within the > expressivity of these languages. This amounts to providing OWL/RDFS > “definitions” for the URIs in 2). This is covered well by Juan's and > Marcelo's work on “Putative Ontologies”. It is worth pointing out that OWL > and RDFS are insufficient to capture all constraints of the relational > schema, so these mappings are lossy. > > > What about the RDF-based approach? > > If we break it down, there are two different things that have received this > label. > > First, there are mapping languages in the style of D2RQ (Virtuoso's RDF > Views, R2O, and the Revelytix language fall into this category). These > languages can be expressed in the SQL-based R2ML. They *may* not be able to > deal with full SQL, at least not efficiently. This will certainly be the > case for D2RQ. I'm comfortable stating in the D2RQ documentation that it > only supports a subset of SQL, and characterizing this subset; or stating > that one should avoid certain SQL constructs to keep performance up. > > Second, there is the approach of using existing general RDF-to-RDF mapping > technologies for the purpose of RDB-to-RDF translation. Eric has been > championing this approach, and it has some appeal. > > But all that we as a WG have to do to enable this approach is 3) above. > Given a default mapping, any general RDB-to-RDF transformation approach, > including SPARQL CONSTRUCT, RIF, SWRL, R2R, or XSLT over RDF/XML, can be > used to express mappings from the default mapping into customized RDF > representations. The semantics of these transformation technologies is > already defined in their respective specifications. Wether the processor > chooses to implement these transforms as RDF-to-RDF transforms, or > translates queries over the customized representation directly to SQL (as > Eric has demonstrated for SPARQL CONSTRUCT), is again up to the implementer. > > So, I believe that all the variants of the RDF-based approach are > sufficiently addressed by 1), 2) and 3) above. > > > As far as I can tell, the four items above are sufficient to fulfill our > charter, meet the Requirements, and are the best way of addressing the > concerns of our main stakeholders. > > Best, > Richard >
Received on Wednesday, 21 July 2010 18:52:57 UTC