- From: Ivan Mikhailov <imikhailov@openlinksw.com>
- Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 15:59:49 +0700
- To: Richard Cyganiak <richard@cyganiak.de>
- Cc: RDB2RDF WG <public-rdb2rdf-wg@w3.org>
Hello Richard, >The strawman is here: > > http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/wiki/R2RML_in_a_custom_syntax > > It's indeed quite concise, which is nice. > > Wow. I like it. That's quite close to my own draft where current Virtuoso RDF Views come from. That's probably the best variant that can be designed without gathering real use cases and hitting real compilation problems, i.e., designed without writing a complete implementation. Now let's extend the draft with options. Let us assign an (optional) name for every triple pattern of these templates, for diagnostic purposes. Let's cut the SQL select in parts and combine them automatically, otherwise it is impossible to compose an adequate SQL join for a given basic graph pattern. Let us enrich IRITEMPLATEs by adding options absolutely needed for the optimizer (and by making them based on functions when needed). Let's specify the order of patterns and let some "exceptions" take priority on "common cases", to cut useless unions. Let's manipulate them (add/remove/reorder) and let's do that in parts, because many independent applications may share one RDF storage and they can be removed as well as installed. These four extensions will give us an absolute minimum needed for a real life installation. Unfortunately, as a bad side effect, they will bloat the example to the complexity of Virtuoso's RDF Views. We can also start from other end --- given the current syntax of RDF Views, try to remove features to make it simple. Unfortunately, for every given feature there will be a sample data mapping and a query that will go slower at least order of magnitude without the excluded feature. That's why I'm staying silent in this group. I simply don't know how to make the thing both simple and usable. I know only what's absolutely needed for some common tasks but is still missing in these RDF Views because I will not be able to maintain the additional code. Best Regards, Ivan Mikhailov OpenLink Software http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com P.S. I forgot to mention two more extensions, for free text and for LITERALTEMPLATES :(
Received on Monday, 30 August 2010 09:10:20 UTC