Test Case document with 3 interoperable implementations?

Also, we need a test-case document, although according to the charter we
still have until Nov. to get a FPWD out. It may be a good idea,
particularly when sharpening the spec and dealing with any design cases,
to start developing the concrete test-cases now. There's a good paper from
Norm Gray on this [1], and I imagine HCLS will have quite a few test-cases
we can re-use.

This also will require 3 interoperable implementations. So who is planning
on implementing this?

-Cambridge Semantics?

Metamotix seems to not be participating anymore. Howard, you out there?

Any opensource systems? D2RQ/MySQL and Federate (EricP's work) would be
ideal, and I imagine that there are other open-source and research-based
systems (Ultrawrap, Li Ma's work, etc.)?



Received on Tuesday, 24 August 2010 14:01:14 UTC