Wikipedia use case for RDB to RDF mapping language

Hi Georgi, we're working on a Use Cases and Requirements document a
mapping language from relational data to RDF graphs. An obvious use of
this is to define a virtual RDF graph for a given RDB and transform a
SPARQL query over that graph into a SQL query over the relational

About an hour ago, I had hoped to find the SQL table structure which
backed Wikipedia infoboxes. I believe I have since learned that the
structured data in infoboxes is microparsed from blobs containing the
page text. This is addressed by microparsing
but if the parsing is complicated, the functionality is unlikely to be

I have the vague impression that uberblic does query transformation à la
Is that so? Is there a budding SQL structure for infoboxes which we
should include in our use cases?

Note, cc-ing public-rdb2rdf-wg in a reply will require a dance through
the W3C Archive Approval system <> .

Received on Thursday, 22 April 2010 12:05:42 UTC