Re: This is me nagging to all use case owners

As written, my two use cases are specifically designed to tease out 
certain aspects of expressivity. As such, I'm not inclined to add a lot 
of surrounding context which might detract from the meat of the use 
case. Please do let me know if there are key bits of the two use cases 
that are unclear, and I'll be glad to flesh those bits out.


On 4/15/2010 10:01 PM, Juan Sequeda wrote:
> In order for Dan and I to complete the use case doc on time (sunday
> night), we need to have all the use cases filled out in the google
> spread sheet.
> Please please fill it out
> <>
> <>If
> you have any questions or concerns about the taxonomy, respond here and
> we will clarify.
> Thanks!
> Juan Sequeda
> +1-575-SEQ-UEDA
> <>

Received on Friday, 16 April 2010 03:10:30 UTC