Writing up use cases

Dear Gang,

Attached you will find material I'm hoping will serve as a starting  
point for structuring and enabling
our case discussion.   I view this as brain storming mode.  There are  
pieces I'm not happy with and similarly
choices of terminology.  I'm eager to get the ball rolling.

(Yes, this should all be on the wiki, but I don't have write  
privileges yet.)

You will find:

1) A word file, Taxonomy of Use Cases.doc.

In addition to the obvious content from its name, is also an outline  
of what we might include in the
description of use cases.

2) An Excel file, UseCaseCategorizationNtodo.xls

Juan and I have made a first stab at assigning individual use cases  
to the taxonomy.  Also, a tabulation of what is
already present on the wiki per, what me might include in the  
description of use cases.

3 - 6) For the four use cases that I could locate DDL, I ran the DDL  
through a UML reverse engineer.



Received on Tuesday, 6 April 2010 04:08:42 UTC