Re: Introduction: Harry Halpin

Juan Sequeda, Ph.D Student
Dept. of Computer Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:29 PM, <> wrote:

> While I realize many of you many know each other from the previous RDB2RDF
> Incubator Group, I think doing a round of "introductions" before our first
> teleconference would be a great idea. So feel free to follow me!
> I'm Harry Halpin, the W3C Staff Contact for this Working Group [1]. My role
> will basically to assist the group in getting the standard through W3C
> process on schedule. I'm more than happy to answer questions about the W3C,
> W3C Process, and our technology (such as the ever friendly Zakim), and will
> also help liason with the W3C in general for this group, including
> publicity, co-ordination with the rest of the W3C, and outreach. However, my
> job has been made a lot easier due the high calibre chairs of the group!
> Overall, I'm an advocate of Linked Data and think this technology could
> fulfill a crucial role in bringing the power of relational databases to the
> Web.
> Before joining the W3C as a Fellow (sponsored by Eduserv and the University
> of Edinburgh), I received my Ph.D. in Informatics from the University of
> Edinburgh. However, I'm originally from America, as you'll notice on the
> phone. My academic specialities were in machine-learning, information
> retrieval, and knowledge representation (SemWeb) - and am mostly known
> academically for studying collaborative taggging as a complex system.
> However, I used to be a tutor for Peter Buneman at the University of
> Edinburgh, and thus have a long-standing interest in relational databases. I
> was also chair of the GRDDL WG (W3C record for shortest time to full
> Recommendation), and co-chair the Social Web Incubator Group.
> I'll be either "harry" or "hhalpin" in #rdb2rdf on W3C IRC,
>, and my contact details are on my homepage[1], and am
> also  available on Skype, Facebook, and the like. Whenever I am in IRC feel
> free to ping me.
> Can't wait to meet you all - at least over IRC and phone :)
>                cheers,
>                        harry
> [1]
> [2]

Received on Wednesday, 14 October 2009 20:19:22 UTC