rr:constant with literal or datatype


I haven't found such example and I'm not sure what should happen if the R2RML mapping contained a constant with language tag or datatype. For example

[ rr:constant "someObject"^^<http://example.org/some#datatype> ]

Should the datatype be ignored or used as if it was specified using rr:datatype?

And more interestingly what should happen for the mapping below? Answering the first question will suggest the answer.

  rr:constant "someObject"^^<http://example.org/some#datatype> ;
  rr:datatype <http://example.org/some#datatype> 

It looks like such cases aren't included in the test suite [1].

Kind regards,

[1] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/test-cases

Received on Friday, 7 November 2014 17:58:01 UTC